關於香蕉花蜜檸凍飲 Banana Stamen Honey Lemon Jelly|高雄旗山名產伴手禮推薦
To promote local agriculture in Taiwan, the Tangchang community has collaborated with Taiwanese biotechnology enterprises to extract banana stamens from plantations and combine them with fruity lemon and honey to create a refreshing beverage with jelly-like texture. Aside from being low in calories and surprisingly satiating, it is also conveniently served in a cup, which allows you to keep your hands clean while eating. Additionally, it replenishes nutrients such as Vitamin C and anthocyanin without any flavorings, colors, or preservatives.
香蕉花蜜檸凍飲 |
成份 |
純水、蜂蜜、檸檬汁、雪耳萃取液、鹿角菜膠、刺槐豆膠、香蕉花雄蕊萃取物、冰糖、檸檬酸 |
淨重 |
460公克 |
原產地 |
台灣 |
有效期限 |
12個月 |
有效日期 |
標示於瓶身 |
保存方式 |
常溫保存,避免陽光照射,放置於陰涼處,冷藏風味更佳 |
注意事項 |
三歲以下兒童不宜食用,老人兒童須監護下食用 |
負責廠商 |
有限責任高雄市旗山區糖廠社區合作社 |
廠商地址 |
高雄市旗山區忠孝街33-33號 |